The hero archetype is also known as the champion and is dedicated to leading and inspiring others to overcoming obstacles and achieving higher goals. The hero archetype is about staying true to yourself. It is an inspirational brand archetype that appeals by expressing a strong sense of mission and an empowering message that could bring hope, strength and guidance to people. Hero archetype examples are usually seen in sports brands as well as political campaigns, non-profits or any charismatic brand that is on a mission to save or change the world. The Hero brand conveys a dynamic sense of identity through inspirational ads and other forms of messaging.
The hero brand archetype taps into the highest levels of Maslow’s pyramid below. This allows for a more emotional connection with consumers. The hero brand taps into the need to achieve your full potential and be the best version of yourself. It encourages people to push forward and achieve greater things. There is also a sense of prestige associated with achieving higher goals or becoming an ‘MVP’.
The hero archetype is not about positioning your brand as the customer’s hero, it is about positioning your customers as the hero in the story and providing the inspiration or empowerment that they need to achieve a greater potential.

In film, the hero is someone here to achieve a goal or restore order. They could be the main protagonist or someone who pushes the protagonist forward. There is a turning point that takes the hero on a quest followed by a climax period of great conflict. There is usually a supernatural ability, physical or mental strength that helps them overcome challenges. Any superhero could easily fall into this category.
“Where there is a will, there is a way”
DESIRE: To Leave A Mark on the World
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Brave, Devoted, Bold, Visionary, Motivational, Inspirational, Determined, competence, integrity
EXAMPLES: Nike, Adidas, Gatorade, Duracell, Under Armour, Fedex, Dallas Cowboys, Tesla, Microsoft, NBA, Obama08, BidenHarris, US Army

Examples of the Hero Archetype
Brands that fall into this category usually express these qualities through various forms of inspirational ads or commercials as well as photography, visual design and messaging. Below are 10 examples of Hero archetype brands as well as how they use video commercials to tell their story in a charismatic way.
1.) Nike: "Just do it"
Nike’s mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Their famous slogan ‘Just do it’ may sound simple but it is one of the most successful campaigns ever because of how it was creatively executed as well as the strong message of motivation behind it.
As an inspirational brand, everything Nike does is aligned with their mission and purpose, from campaigns to endorsements and product releases. Nike is clearly not just about selling shoes. This is why they are able to stand out because of their ability to inspire others. Nike is a classic hero brand that honors great athletes through their messaging.
2.) Alibaba: "To the greatness of small"
Alibaba is an authentic example of the Hero archetype that is all about empowering small businesses around the world. Their commercial below is a strong expression of who they are as a company. There is a strong belief that small acts lead to greatness. This is reflected through their inspirational ads and powerful messaging that give them a unique identity in the marketplace. In this campaign, they position the “little guy” as the hero in the story. It is about the greatness that can be found in people, enterprises, and things that seem to be small.
3.) Gatorade: "The sports fuel company"
For decades, Gatorade has been an inspirational brand dedicated to uncovering new and innovative solutions to improve athletic performance. Their formulas are data-driven by years of research into world-class athletes, hydration and sports nutrition. Their commercials are powerful and revolve around motivating us to aim higher. They show different athletes in action and capture the raw emotion that drives us. In this commercial, they also position their target audience in the center of the story.
4.) Under Armour: "The only way is through"
Under Armour’s vision is to inspire you with performance solutions you never knew you needed and can’t imagine living without. Their tagline and overall branding reflects their mission to make all athletes better through passion, design and the relentless pursuit of innovation. Their messaging conveys that you are more than your successes and your failures, you are defined by the fire that burns inside and the effort you put into life.
5.) FEDEX: "Around The World With FedEx"
As a global logistics company, Fedex is more than just delivering packages. They have a higher purpose and mission that is reflected in their campaigns and brand messaging. They are guided by the core belief that a connected world is a better world. They are well known for their competence as a brand that people can depend on.
6.) Tesla: "To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport"
Tesla is one of the most purpose-driven and forward thinking brands of today. Their mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy and this influences how they approach innovation. Tesla created the first well-known electric luxury vehicle. Their commitment to sustainable technological solutions to combat climate change helps to separate their brand from others.
7.) Microsoft: "Be what's next"
Microsoft is on a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. The brand values meaningful innovation as one of the key drivers and believes that technology can and should be a force for good that contributes to a brighter world. Although Microsoft rarely uses their new tagline in their marketing, they recently launched another campaign focused on the power of AI and technology as a tool to empower the world.
8.) The NBA: "Where Amazing Happens"
The NBA has been a beacon of inspiration and motivation for decades. They have a reputation for years of excellence in building momentum and pushing the culture forward. Through this popular commercial, they capture the high energy, emotion and charisma that is expressed in every game through the dynamic movement and the desire to excel.
9.) OBAMA08: "Yes we can"
The historic Obama campaign inspired the hearts of many throughout the nation. Not only because of the historical significance but because of Obama’s personal charisma and leadership qualities that shined through the inspirational ad campaigns. The phrase ‘Yes We Can’ is a positive affirmation of hope, confidence and optimism that had the power to push people forward. An Emmy winning video was released which was inspired by Obama’s Campaign. It featured artists like Will-I-Am to Common, John Legend and others.
10.) The US Army: "What's your warrior?"
The US Army is the most obvious example of a hero archetype. There is no explanation needed. They recently launched a new slogan called “What’s your Warrior?” as part of a recruitment effort. According to Ryan D. McCarthy, the former US Secretary of the Army, the tagline highlights the many ways todays youth can apply their unique skills and talents to the most powerful team on earth. The inspirational ads highlight the diversity of valuable skills from soldiers on the frontlines to chefs in the kitchen.
In conclusion, the Hero brand archetype is a distinct combination of charisma, motivation and authenticity. This allows the brand to tell its story in the most impactful way that inspires others. It is more of a mass movement than a regular company or organization. It is a more inspirational brand that has the power to cause a paradigm shift and change the world for the better. If you enjoyed this article then you may also enjoy my previous one on how to Use Storytelling To Boost Customer Engagement.
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